Mariah Carey/MTV Unplugged EP (Album)
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01 Emotions (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
27,701 KB
02 If It's Over (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
24,260 KB
02 If It's Over (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).lrc
1 KB
03 Someday (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
27,922 KB
03 Someday (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).lrc
2 KB
04 Vision of Love (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
23,145 KB
04 Vision of Love (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).lrc
1 KB
05 Make It Happen (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
29,999 KB
06 I'll Be There (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
30,245 KB
06 I'll Be There (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).lrc
1 KB
07 Can't Let Go (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).flac
26,851 KB
07 Can't Let Go (Live at MTV Unplugged Kaufman Astoria Studios New York - March 1992).lrc
1 KB
178 KB
Total: 185.85 MB (194,882,316 Bytes) in: 13 File(s)